Our Love Story- Chapter 1

As I was contemplating what to write as my first blog post, I came across this super cute idea on Pinterest (go figure) to tell our love story in a chapter format.  I absolutely love this idea and I think it will be fun to recount how we met and ended up falling in love.  So here it goes…

Mr. M was born and raised in Fayetteville, TN, or Lincoln County as everyone refers to it.  He spent his entire life in one house right next door to his grandparents.  He never really ventured out of Lincoln County other than for highschool baseball games and a trip to Gulf Shores when he was really young.  I think he probably assumed he would marry a girl from here and they would raise their family in the same way he grew up.  Boy was he wrong.

My dad was in the military during my entire childhood.  I didn’t really have much of a response when people asked where I was from.  I would respond with “well, a lot of places.”  At the time I really wished for nothing more than to be able to have a place to call “home” and to set down some roots and make lasting friendships.  Now, I am glad I had the chance to live so many places as it has opened my eyes to the world. 

Nine years ago my family moved from Texas to Tennessee.  I was a junior in high school.  I had to leave all my high school friends behind.  I had to leave everything I loved about Texas behind.  I was devastated.  And since I was a teenage girl, there is no doubt that I was a bit dramatic about it all. 

Shortly after moving to Lincoln County I decided to get involved in the FFA chapter at the high school.  I was in FFA and 4-H in Texas and really enjoyed it.  I had spent years competing in horse judging.  That fall I joined the team at the high school.  During our first practice, we were watching a video when this really country guy busts into the middle of the meeting, sits down next to one of the guys on the team, and proceeds to tell him about his “hot new girlfriend”.  I just rolled my eyes and continued watching the video.

During the next several practices, that guy with the hot girlfirend would come sit next to me and ask me to help him with his judging.  He had some talent, but the boy could not give reasons- a hig part of horse judging.  He was so nice that I couldn’t help but agree to help him. 

Long story short, over the next several months we became really close friends and even helped each other through some relationships.  I wasn’t initially attracted to him since he wasn’t my “type” at the time.  Eventually our friendship turned to flirting, and one day after school he asked “so like, are we dating?” and I said sure, why not.  He was my best friend so why not give it a try.

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